If you like your eggs served a bit runny you’re going to be just as obsessed with the 64 degree egg as I am.
I discovered the idea at a local restaurant. The eggs had a creamy consistency like custard, and unlike a fried egg, the whites were as soft and creamy as the yolks.
Because I’m me, I had to recreate this amazingness at home. The cafe that served them was a half hour away, not a convenient place to get my fix.
It turns out these eggs are pretty easy to make at home. Just submerge the eggs for one hour in 64 degree CELSIUS water. That translates into 147 degrees Fahrenheit.
My husband helped with this. He put a pot of water on the stove at medium low heat with some food thermometers and kept adjusting the temperature until it stayed at 147 degrees.
Then we added the eggs and after an hour we had perfect, softly boiled, custard-style eggs. The texture is so delicate it almost melts in your mouth.
Softly crack the egg and eat them alone sprinkled with salt or top your favorite dish with a runny egg enhancement.
It went amazingly with corned beef sausage and Brussels sprout muffins. They make the best yolk porn ever. Check it out.
For those afraid of the 64 degree egg or find it to complicated to make, here’s an easy trick to make fried eggs with runny yolks.
It took me a while to learn this secret, but when I did I was amazed at how easy it was and how perfect the eggs came out each time. Add some oil or butter to the pan, turn the heat to high, crack and egg and cook for 30 seconds to a minute.
Then cover the pan with a lid and turn off the heat completely. Let the egg cook in the steam for 2 to 3 minutes, depending on how soft you like it. That’s it!!
Enjoy the yolk porn.