Pumpkin tea cakes

A banana sweetened treat for breakfast, tea time or dessert I meet people all the time who don’t cook. I get it. I used to be one of them.  I though cooking wasn’t worth my time and was slightly rebelliousness about it. This wasn’t the 50s. And there was a world of take out, restaurants […]

Experimenting with grain-free tortillas

The art of following a recipe I like it when people write about their failures. You can learn just as much from what went wrong as you can from what went right. I’m really bad at following other people’s recipes but since I’ve gone back to then Paleo diet I’ve tried different recipes to expand […]

DIY pumpkin seed butter treats

How to make homemade pumpkin seed butter (it’s easier than you think!) I’ve been a big fan of pumpkin seed butter for almost a decade. It was one of my few indulgences when I was on a strict diet to heal my digestive issues. I never realized how easy it was to make your own, […]

Experimenting with grain-free chocolate chip cookies

The irony of a grain-free life When I went Paleo I started baking, a lot. Baking grain-free breads, muffins and cookies made the transition much easier. It was my secret to making it work. I had a lot of fun trying new recipes for baked goods made out of a combo of blanched almond flour, […]